De-Coupled Microservice Applications with AWS SNS-SQS and AWS Lambdas by Sajal Dulal Geek Culture

Microservices seemed like the best approach to handling all of these issues. Relevant Software implemented the solution based on AWS Step Functions, which enabled safe data processing. All services now communicate via a Distributor cluster that acts as a data streaming service. AWS provides all the necessary components for implementing microservices using both managed and open-source solutions. Microservices are loosely coupled, so a failure of one module doesn’t impair the whole application, and a faulty microservice can be restarted without affecting the rest of the product.

Microservices architectures are built with discrete, modular elements that work in orchestration. While monolithic apps use a centralized relational database, following the same approach would render microservices useless. As microservices often span across different business logic units at scale, many microservices might be doing the same operation, resulting in incomplete operations and duplication. Therefore, some control logic and master tools must be implemented to perform periodic cleanups and data deduplication.

Serverless microservices to Eliminate Operational Complexity

Message passing is an additional pattern used to implement communication between microservices. A major benefit of this communication style is that it’s not necessary to have a service discovery and services are loosely coupled. Typically a service mesh is split into a data plane and a control plane. The data plane is composed of a set of intelligent proxies that can be deployed with the application code as a special sidecar proxy to intercept all network communication between microservices.

Microservices need to persist data, and do so in a way that supports scalability and prevents central dependencies. When an event is announced and matches a defined rule, a pre-defined group of people in an organization can be immediately notified, so that they might take appropriate action.


This blog discusses the relevant AWS services and how to implement typical patterns such as service discovery or event sourcing natively with AWS services. Within a typical microservices architecture, with dozens of different services, each service needs access to several downstream services and infrastructure components that expose data to service. One of the prime challenges remains to configure each service consistently to provide information about the connection to downstream services and infrastructure. The configuration additionally also should have information about the environment in which the service is operating, and restarting the application to use new configuration data shouldn’t be necessary. With a microservices architecture, an application is designed with independent components that run each application process as a service.

  • The data your microservices process should be stored in a database and cached to decrease latency.
  • The diagram below shows how the event sourcing pattern can be implemented on AWS.
  • Services aren’t required to share any of their code or implementation with other services.
  • Monolithic architectures add risk for application availability because many dependent and tightly coupled processes increase the impact of a single process failure.
  • By breaking monolithic applications into small microservices, the communication overhead increases as the microservices have to talk to one another.

Microservices are an architectural and organizational approach to software development wherein software is consisted of independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs. Microservices architectures facilitate application scale-up to develop enabling innovation and accelerating time-to-market for new features. With microservices, all processes are decoupled, run in separate code envelopes , and can be scaled, updated, or rebooted independently. Each microservice performs a single function, and all of them communicate over well-defined interfaces through lightweight, uniform APIs.

Product information

It has mobile and desktop clients, and microservices enable the necessary isolation between the application server and business processes. AWS Step Functions contains AWS Lambda schedule and rules and provides Lambda configuration.

Monolithic applications are typically backed by a large relational database, which defines a single data model common to all application components. Within a microservices approach, a central database would prevent the goal of building decentralized and independent components.

Characteristics of Microservices

Most importantly, if over time the microservice code becomes too complex, it can be easily split into more microservices, without affecting the performance of the whole application. AWS defines microservices as independent pieces of software that deliver specific functions, run separately from each other, and are owned by smaller, self-contained teams. Any communication between microservices happens over well-defined APIs, allowing polyglot development. This means that software engineers aren’t limited by a single programming language or framework and can select the tools best suited for every function a microservice performs. Microservices architecture is a distributed design approach intended to overcome the limitations of traditional monolithic architectures.

However, the orchestration services shouldn’t be added directly to the services as it introduces tighter coupling and makes it tougher to quickly replace the individual services. The HTTP/S protocol is the most popular way to implement synchronous communication between microservices. The REST architectural style relies on stateless communication, uniform interfaces, and standard methods.

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