Development Document an overview

Good software documentation should be provided whether it is a software specifications document for programmers and testers or software manuals for end-users. Comprehensive software documentation is specific, concise, and relevant.

What are the 9 elements of project management?

  • Integration Management.
  • Scope Management.
  • Time Management.
  • Cost Management.
  • Quality Management.
  • Human Resouce Management.
  • Communication Management.
  • Risk Management.

For example, because it is extracted from the source code itself , the programmer can write it while referring to the code, and use the same tools used to create the source code to make the documentation. You can outsource your technical writing to an agency or you can hire in-house expertise. Using knowledge base software like Helpjuice enables you to easily create and publish documentation in a stylish website optimized for search and discovery. Software documentation templates can come in really handy so your writers don’t have to consult the style guide every time. You need to make time for the technical review so that your SMEs can verify the accuracy of your documentation, as well as testing your docs on users. Naturally, this approach relates mostly to customer-facing product documentation rather than system docs or API docs aimed at technical folks.


Documentation is never done, and you’ll always have to iterate on your efforts. Set time aside to review the documentation, identify missing documentation, or improve documentation that is frequently used.

  • Reports reflect how time and human resources were used during development.
  • So far in this chapter, we have emphasized the importance of application orientation for our approach.
  • We meet a lot of companies that start the user documentation journey just with editors.
  • With those systems, you can build various publications starting from the same content.
  • So, the software design document gives an overview of the product architecture, determines the full scope of work, and sets the milestones, thus, looping in all the team members involved and providing the overall guidance.
  • Most roadmapping tools provide templates for different roadmaps to let you start working with this document right away.
  • The agile method is based on a collaborative approach to creating documentation.

This could be attributed to the fact that most practitioners are unfamiliar with the projectional editing, Indeed, the MPS meta-modeling tool that supports the projectional editing seems to be rarely used. We explicitly warn against trying to save time by taking domain terms from reference books without first coordinating with the users. It has been shown that even apparently universal definitions of terms (such as “account” or “service”) have a “local” interpretation and use that are important for the subsequent design process.

Keep your software documentation up to date

Typically, the user documentation describes each feature of the program, and assists the user in realizing these features. It is very important for user documents to not be confusing, and for them to be up to date. User documents don’t need to be organized in any particular way, but it is very important for them to have a thorough index. User documentation is considered to constitute a contract specifying what the software will do. API Writers are very well accomplished towards writing good user documents as they would be well aware of the software architecture and programming techniques used.

A documentation content strategy helps you keep on track, allocate resources, and manage your time. It will help you time your documentation alongside releases so you can have some idea of what’s coming up. We’ll cover the importance of hiring technical writers in a later section. Instead of documenting every feature comprehensively, you produce articles as they become necessary based on your customer support tickets. Make your tech writers part of every scrum team instead of having a dedicated documentation team, since this encourages better collaboration between writers and developers. The Docs Like Code methodology is a subset of Agile, and it means using the same tools and processes for the docs as you would for the software.

Product roadmap templates

In the case of a software library, the code documents and user documents could in some cases be effectively equivalent and worth conjoining, but for a general application this is not often true. Elucidative Programming is the result of practical applications of Literate Programming in real programming contexts.

What is the Gantt chart?

A Gantt chart is a project management tool that illustrates a project plan. It typically includes two sections: the left side outlines a list of tasks, while the right side has a timeline with schedule bars that visualize work.

Although an informative entry can contain structural characteristics, it does not have to comprise all components. Provide the diagrams and/or other graphic materials to help understand and communicate the structure and design principles.

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